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How Parents will work with the children in a low-resource setting

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Competent educators for developing our children

Brighter Life School

A sister concern of faith Bangladesh. Provide quality education to special needs children in Bangladesh. 


Brighter Life School is one of the sister concerns of Foundation for Advancement of Innovations in Technology and Health (faith) Bangladesh. Aligned with the vision, mission, mandates, and values of faith Bangladesh, this school aims to provide quality education to special needs children in Bangladesh. Brighter Life School has experienced special educators who are well trained in working with children with special needs and disabilities. They use various techniques and strategies to help these children develop their full potential and achieve their goals. The school is committed to providing high-quality education and support to all of its students, including those with special needs. With experienced special educators on staff, Brighter Life School is equipped to meet the unique needs of each student and help them succeed.

Vision: Accelerating solution for tomorrow for the special needs children.


  • Provide education and training to special needs children to make them self-reliant.
  • Explore the identifies their potential and prepare them for a future productive life.
  • Creates employment opportunities and deploys special needs children...


  • Experienced Special Educators: Brighter Life School has experienced special educators who are well-equipped to cater to the needs of children with special needs.
  • Child-Centered Education: The school follows a child-centered approach to education, focusing on individual needs and strengths of each child.
  • Holistic Development: Brighter Life School aims to provide holistic development of its students, including their academic, emotional, physical, and social well-being.
  • Inclusive Environment: The school provides an inclusive environment that promotes inclusion, respect, and dignity for all students.
  • Customized Curriculum: The school's curriculum is customized to cater to the specific needs of children with special needs, ensuring their learning progress and success.
  • Community Involvement: Brighter Life School actively involves the community in the education of its students, promoting a supportive and inclusive environment.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities: The school provides a variety of extra-curricular activities, including arts, sports, and cultural events, to help students develop their skills and interests.


accelerating solutions for tomorrow




Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.......



Testimonials about our schooling program from our parents.